Salesforce for Flex Legal
As a rapidly growing business, Flex Legal decided to implement Salesforce to manage its marketing, sales and conversion pipeline.
User research was essential to this project, as we needed to build a system within Salesforce that would allow users to maintain existing best practices and feel familiar to them.
I conducted interviews and process mapping exercises with all departments: marketing, Brand, Sales, Customer service, customer retention, B2B, and finance.
This story map allowed me to create a story map outlining the processes we would need to make within Salesforce.
Based on these user stories and insights; we created an initial user flow within Miro, which gave us a customer experience framework on which we could overlay more details until we had a good idea of the screens, processes, and metadata we would need to meet these user needs.
Brainstorm as many creative solutions as possible to solve the problem you defined in the previous stage. I then documented these brainstorms in a detailed service blueprint.
The service blueprint allowed us to create more detailed user stories to help us implement these new ideas.
User journey mapping and metadata definition:
Each stage in the user experience requires data to be input or output to the next stage in the Salesforce journey. The engineering team, set up the user flows, page templates, and required fields within Salesforce. I documented and mapped the existing data and created a gap analysis against the required data, which allowed us to migrate existing data into Salesforce and add additional fields where needed.
Prototype and Test:
Each Salesforce template was designed in Figma using the SLWC (Salesforce Lightning Web Components) and SFDS (Salesforce Lightning design system). These tools maintain a consistent UX and allow users to understand what is required intuitively.
We conducted several rounds of user testing using interactive prototypes before building each step in the process.
The product was released incrementally over six months, and based on user feedback, repeated rounds of user observations and refinements were made.