ECB live iPad app
Creative Direction, Interface Design and User Experiencer
I have been working with the ECB since 2009 when I designed and architected there first iPhone app. This app has evolved through many iterations and has had millions of downloads on iOS, Android and Blackberry devise. The iPhone app gives real-time scores and coverage of all England cricket matches with detailed stats and figures being drawn from a custom developed stats platform which delivers data to apps and web site.
The iPad app takes data visualisation further with a real-time 3D interface which allows users to rewind and play match coverage. Users can drill down into a wealth of data about the match, the season, and the players.
3D visualisation of real time sports data driven by OPTA.
Sports news and player biographies with detailed information on all matches and players.
An amazing level of stats information can be accessed on each team and player.
The ECB app has seen several iterations but non more successful than the live score board.
I was luck enough to work on the live Ashes coverage. Mashing up all channels and data into this responsive site.